
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Courier

**Disclosure: Much of the poetry I post here is in a rather raw form, and I'm open to criticism or whatever from anyone.  I may change it later if I feel I worded things incorrectly, but until then I hope the 3 people that visit this blog will enjoy it.  Anyway, here's a poem I just now wrote**

The Courier

Looking at your pictures,
I can't help but feel that
I'm trying to reach you in a
wholly inadequate way,

Like a Zealot trying to soften
the distance between he and Christ
merely by reading scripture.

Like any Holy text,
Your photographs and letters
Serve only as a reminder.

I cannot read my way into
your arms any more than I can
read my way into
the arms of God.

Your love,
His love,
All love must be lived.

Your truth,
His truth,
All truth must be sought,

With a hungry
and eager heart,
ready to bleed
in love's sacred name.

Your passion and his
resonate inside me
as one,

And I realize his true scripture
lies in you,
His Courier,

On whom He has written His sacred word.