Today is day two of the 5 days off of work I've recently acquired and, since I'm running out of things to do with my life, I've decided to begin work on what will undoubtedly become yet another addition to the ever-expanding archives of my obscurity. Oooh! I'm self-aware!
But the beauty of creating something you doubt will ever truly be seen, read, or even cared about is that you can write virtually whatever you want about anything you want and pretend that it is reaching a wide audience of individuals just waiting to pounce on your next word and suckle it dry of its thick, syrupy knowledge-juice. Coincidentally, a free supply of syrupy knowledge juice is exactly what I intend to impart of with this blog.
But what knowledge can an 18 year old Junior in College have, you ask? Well the answer is simple- I know everything. I wouldn't know everything if you came up and asked me a question in real life, but the fact that this blog is hosted on the internet should suffice to say that I want you to ask me a question through the internet so I can hide behind a veil of wikipedia references and google searches that will make me seem all knowing and omnipotent. I just have to hope that the general public hasn't yet learned how to perform a google search.
So to sum up my poorly organized and vaguely defined introduction I'd like to say this: read my blog on a regular basis or the terrorists are winning. If you hate America and endorse Somali pirates, please disregard my work entirely.
definitely caught my attention!